Raw Garden has consistently put out award-winning, Clean Green certified, cannabis oils since 2015. Innovation is key, as Raw Garden has produced quality products using new technologies and plant strains. Raw Garden continues to lead the industry in innovative agricultural practices. The Clean Green Certification program is the #1 cannabis certifier recognized globally. Cannabis is not a federally recognized agricultural crop so this is the closest to organic cannabis that one can get. The program ensures that all of the cannabis used by Raw Garden is farmed and processed based on National and International organic and sustainable best practices.
To meet those standards means that only organic and natural fertilizers, soil amendments and pest control methods are used on the farm, and that no artificial ingredients, flavors or thinners are ever used in the processing. Growers have to be legally compliant which involves a thorough review of their records, and extensive testing to prove the facility’s ability to protect the cannabis from contamination. The result is a brand that consumers can purchase with confidence that not only are they getting a premium product, but that their consumer dollars are supporting environmentally sound, sustainable farming practices.merlot og glo